Most Frequently Asked iMac G3 (Original iMac Series) Q&As:

Which iMac G3 models were offered in which colors? How many colors were available in total?

How do you upgrade the RAM in the iMac G3 models? How much RAM of what type do these systems support?

Does the iMac G3 run the MacOS? Can it run MacOS X or just MacOS 9?

How do you replace or upgrade the hard drive in the iMac G3 models? Do these models support "big drives"?

What are the capabilities of the optical drive provided by the iMac G3 models? How do you replace or upgrade the optical drive?

Is the CPU on the iMac G3 upgradable? How is it mounted? Are third-party processor upgrades available?

Which iMac G3 models support AirPort? How do you install or replace the AirPort card?

Which iMac G3 models have Firewire "400" ports?

What are the major differences between the iMac G3 and the iMac G4 "Flat Panel" models?

Can the iMac G3 run Windows?

For all iMac G3 Q&As, check out the iMac G3 Q&A (Home). For other systems, visit the Q&A section.