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25 January 2020

In 2016, launched its groundbreaking EveryMac Lookup API. This Application Programming Interface makes it straightforward for technical individuals, programmers, and businesses to use's Ultimate Mac Lookup functionality to identify Macs and other Apple hardware by serial number, order number, and other identifiers on their own websites, in internal inventory systems, and more.

Using the EveryMac Lookup API makes it possible to save a great deal of time and money not having to worry about the hundreds of thousands — and always growing number — of identifiers for Apple hardware.

MacBook Pro
Photo Credit: Apple, Inc. (MacBook Pro)

Based on reader feedback, there are some trustworthy humans who are not programmers, but who still want to pay to use's Ultimate Mac Lookup without having to deal with the captcha that unfortunately is necessary to stop the constant attacks from bots and bad actors these days.

There also are at least a handful of wise readers who want to pay directly — one Mac repair shop even sent in €100 recently — instead of being exclusively dependent on advertisers. Captcha-Free Lookup Service & Supporter Option

Accordingly, after months of hard work, is pleased to launch two new features -- the Captcha-Free Lookup service and the Supporter option.

The Captcha-Free Lookup service makes it possible to use the standard Ultimate Mac Lookup directly without the captcha in just a few clicks with no technical skills or programming required.

The Supporter option makes it easy to pay a modest amount to each month for those who find the site valuable and who would like to do so. is doing well, with more readers and more dedicated sponsors from more countries around the world than at any point in its nearly 24-year history. already has done its best to disable tracking from Google's network advertising where the search giant allows. In the months and years ahead, if the number of dedicated sponsors around the world continues to grow, readers continue to support the companies that sponsor the site, and now some readers choose to support the site directly, it should be possible to further reduce network advertising.

As always, please tell all your Mac-using, iPod-wearing, iPhone-packing, iPad-toting, and Apple Watch-strapping friends about

Additions & Changes:

Added two new functions to the EveryMac Lookup API:

Updated site features:

If you would like to advertise on, please use the Contact page. Thank you.

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Established in 1996, has been created by experts with decades of experience with Apple hardware. includes, and always has included, original research incorporating detailed, hands-on inspection of packaging, computers, and devices as well as extensive real-world use. All information is provided in good faith, but no website or person is perfect. Accordingly, is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind whatsoever., and the authors thereof, shall not be held responsible or liable, under any circumstances, for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the information within. For complete disclaimer and copyright information please read and understand the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy before using Copying, scraping, or use of any content without expressed permission is not allowed, although links to any page are welcomed and appreciated.