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Apple Power Macintosh G4 800 (QS 2002) Specs

Identifiers: Quicksilver 2002 - M8705LL/A - PowerMac3,5 - M8493 - 1896

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Apple Power Mac G4The Apple Power Macintosh G4/800 (Quicksilver 2002) features an 800 MHz PowerPC 7450 or PowerPC 7455 (G4) processor with the AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processing unit and 256k "on chip" level 2 cache. It shipped configured with 256 MB of RAM, a 40 GB Ultra ATA/66 hard drive, a 24X CD-RW drive, and a 4X AGP ATI Radeon 7500 graphics card with 32 MB of DDR SDRAM. AirPort (802.11b) was available by custom configuration.

The Power Macintosh G4 (Quicksilver 2002) series is very similar to the "Quicksilver" series that it replaced -- both share an identical case design, for example -- but the Power Macintosh G4/933 (Quicksilver 2002) and Power Macintosh G4/1.0 DP (Quicksilver 2002) -- have faster processors with faster DDR SDRAM level 3 caches. Additionally, all Quicksilver 2002 models support hard drives larger than 128 GB (running Mac OS X 10.2 or higher), add support for dual displays, and have slightly faster optical drives.

Despite the age of this system, site sponsor Other World Computing has RAM, hard drives, SSDs, and other upgrades available for this specific Mac while supplies last.

Click on the category for related details. The most commonly needed info is "open" by default, but all info is important.

January 28, 2002 August 13, 2002
1 432
800 MHz PowerPC 7455* (G4)
Details: The PowerPC G4 includes the AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processor.

*Apple provides no official information beyond "G4", but some models have a PowerPC 7450 (G4) processor.
AGP G4 Daughtercard Integrated
Details: The Power Macintosh G4 (Quicksilver 2002) models have the processor mounted on a custom 300-pin daughtercard.
133 MHz 800 MHz (Built-in)
Open Firmware 1 MB
64k 256k (on chip)
PC133 SDRAM 133 MHz
Details: Supports 133 MHz PC133 SDRAM (3.3v, noninterleaved, 64-bit-wide, 168-pin). Apple also noted that this model has "full 128-bit internal memory data paths".
256 MB 1.5 GB
Details: Site sponsor Other World Computing sells memory -- as well as other upgrades -- for this Power Macintosh G4.

In Germany, site sponsor CompuRAM sells memory and other upgrades for this Power Mac G4.

Also see: Actual Max RAM of All G3 & Later Macs.
None 3
Radeon 7500* DDR SDRAM
Details: *By default, this model has an ATI Radeon 7500 graphics card with 32 MB of DDR SDRAM. It also could be configured at the time of purchase with a NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti graphics card with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM. The video card occupies a 4X AGP slot.
32 MB 32 MB*
Dual Displays 1920x1200*
Dual/Mirroring 1920x1200*
Details: *Apple reports that the ATI Radeon 7500 is capable of simultanously supporting dual displays (one using the ADC port and another using the VGA port). The build-to-order NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti graphics card also can support dual displays -- one ADC display and one DVI display (or a VGA display using an adapter).
40 GB HDD 7200 RPM
Details: It also could be configured with up to three 10,000 RPM Ultra160 SCSI drives at the time of purchase, or one Ultra ATA/66 and two Ultra160 SCSI drives, as build-to-order options.

In the US (and many other countries), site sponsor Other World Computing sells storage upgrades for this Power Mac G4.

Also see: SSD Compatibility Guide for All G3 & Later Macs.
3.5" (25.4 mm) Ultra ATA/66 (ATA-5)
24X CD-RW None*
56k v.90 10/100/1000Base-T
802.11b (Optional) None
2 (1.1) 2 (400)
Details: USB 1.1 ports are dual channel. Apple advertised that this model has "four USB ports" counting the two on the keyboard as well as the two on the system.
4 PCI*, AP 5 3.5"
Details: *In the default configuration, this model has four open 33 MHz 64-bit PCI slots, and a 4X AGP slot occupied by the graphics card. It also has an open AirPort (802.11b) expansion slot.

It has five 3.5" drive bays (four are internal and intended for hard drives, and one is external and intended for a Zip 250 drive). With a single hard drive and no Zip drive installed, three internal 3.5" bays and the external 3.5" bay are free. The system also has an external 5.25" drive bay occupied by the optical drive.
Apple Pro Keyboard Apple Pro Mouse
Tower Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver)
M8705LL/A Quicksilver 2002
M8493 (EMC 1896) PowerMac3,5
Details: Please note that these identifiers refer to more than one model.

Also see: All Macs with the M8493 Model Number, the 1896 EMC Number, and the PowerMac3,5 Model Identifier.

For more about these identifiers and how to locate them on each Mac, please refer to's Mac Identification section.
3.6V Lithium N/A
9.2.2, X 10.1.2 X 10.4.11
Boot/Classic Mode Emulation Only
Details: This Power Macintosh G4 model is capable of booting Mac OS 9 and using Mac OS 9 applications within the Mac OS X "Classic" environment.
17.0 x 8.9 x 18.4 30.0 lbs. (13.6 kg)
US$1599 N/A
Details: Please note that on average the estimated current retail pricing of used systems is updated twice a year (please refer to the date on the bottom of the page for the date last updated).

Photo Credit: Apple Computer.

Click on a category for additional details. The most commonly needed info is "open" by default, but all info is important. The icons correspond with the icons for each port on the computer.

1 VGA*, 1 ADC None
Details: One VGA (15-pin mini D-Sub) and one ADC port in stock graphics cards. The build-to-order NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti graphics card has one DVI and one ADC port.
None None
None None
2 (1.1) 2 (400)
Details: USB 1.1 ports are dual channel. Apple advertised that this model has "four USB ports" counting the two on the keyboard as well as the two on the system.
1 (RJ-11) 1 (RJ-45)
Details: 10/100/1000Base-T (Gigabit) Ethernet standard.
None None
None None
2 None
1 N/A
1 N/A

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