Most Frequently Asked Apple Silicon Mac mini Q&As:

How fast are the "2023 M2/M2 Pro" Mac mini models compared to each other and earlier Mac mini models? How fast are they compared to the Mac Studio?

What are all the differences between the "M2" and "M2 Pro" Mac mini models? Which is best for my needs?

What is a good wireless keyboard with a trackpad to use with the Apple Silicon Mac mini while sitting on the couch?

What are all the differences between the "2023 M2/M2 Pro" Mac mini and the "2020 M1" Mac mini it replaced?

What are the "pros and cons" of the Apple Silicon Mac mini? Is it for me?

What type of internal storage does the Apple Silicon Mac mini use? Is it possible to upgrade it?

How do you connect the Apple Silicon Mac mini to a television?

What type of RAM does the Apple Silicon Mac mini use? Can it be upgraded?

Does the Apple Silicon Mac mini support an eGPU?

What external storage options are available for the Apple Silicon Mac mini? Which is the best?

For all Apple Silicon Mac mini Q&As, check out the Apple Silicon Mac mini Q&A (Home). For other systems, visit the Q&A section.